@if(count($allModules) > 0)
@endif @if(session('subdomain_module_activated') == 'activated')

Subdomain Module Activated Successfully!

Your system has been upgraded with enhanced security features.

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Watch Guide

New Superadmin Login URL

{{ url('/') }}/super-admin-login

⭐ Bookmark this URL for easy access to your superadmin dashboard

Important Changes:
  • The public login page has been disabled
  • Each company now has its own dedicated login page on their subdomain
  • Ensure all users are informed about their new company-specific login URLs
  • The previous admin login URL will no longer work (means public login page)
  • Make sure your DNS and wildcard subdomains are properly configured
  • Update any bookmarks or saved links to the new URL
@endif @includeIf('languagepack::module-activated-alert') @include('custom-modules.sections.universal-bundle')
@lang('app.name') @if (!$universalBundle) @lang('app.purchaseCode') @endif @lang('app.moduleVersion') @if (!$universalBundle) @lang('app.notify') @endif @lang('app.status') @forelse ($allModules as $key=>$module) @php $fetchSetting = null; if (in_array(strtolower($module), tabletrack_plugins()) && config(strtolower($module) . '.setting')) { $fetchSetting = config(strtolower($module) . '.setting')::first(); } @endphp {{ $module }} @if (module_enabled('UniversalBundle') && isInstallFromUniversalBundleModule($key)) @endif @if (!$universalBundle) @if ($fetchSetting) @if (config(strtolower($module) . '.verification_required')) @include('custom-modules.sections.purchase-code') @endif @endif @endif @if (config(strtolower($module) . '.setting')) @include('custom-modules.sections.version') @if ($plugins->where('envato_id', config(strtolower($module) . '.envato_item_id'))->first() && !(module_enabled('UniversalBundle') && isInstallFromUniversalBundleModule($key))) @include('custom-modules.sections.module-update') @endif @endif @if (!$universalBundle) @if ($fetchSetting)
@endif @endif


@include('vendor.froiden-envato.update.plugins', ['allModules' => $allModules])
@include('vendor.froiden-envato.update.update_script') @includeIf('vendor.froiden-envato.update.update_module')